Did you know that of the children being trafficked here in the United States at least 35% of them are boys? Are you surprised? Shocked? Angry? Confused? We were!
As we continue our work at Sarah’s Home, this reality has weighed heavy on our hearts. We feel so blessed to be able to work with each and every girl who walks through our doors, so when we learned that there are currently no homes in the United States for boys who are survivors, we felt the Lord leading us to do something about it.
And that is where the dream of Daniel Academy began!
As the Director of Sarah’s Home, Vicki Proffit, started sharing the vision for Daniel Academy, she was approached by the owners of a 2,000 acre ranch in the mountains of Colorado who had a dream of opening a home for boys who were survivors of sex trafficking. After several meetings, they told her, “You know how to do this. Why don’t we join forces to make this happen?” And with that, this very generous couple donated approximately 35 acres of their ranch to be the home of Daniel Academy.
Since then, we have been diligently taking the steps towards opening Daniel Academy. We will need to raise approximately $3.5 million in order to build the facility from the ground up that we will need to start accepting boys. We have currently raised about $540,000!
While we are raising money, we are simultaneously moving through the process to be able to build on the land. We are going through the zoning process; the survey is complete and the master site plan is being worked on now. While it is a detailed and long process, God is paving the path to make it all possible.
If you would like to learn more about Daniel Academy, here is the link to our website
As we continue to educate ourselves on how trafficking affects boys, we came across a documentary called BOYS Documentary. In this documentary, several male survivors share their stories of the exploitation they endured. They are stories that are heartbreaking and give light to the realities of what boys endure when they are being trafficked. If you are interested, here is the trailer for the documentary.
Because this documentary has been so illuminating for us, we would love to share it with you! We are going to host two free screenings of the BOYS Documentary.
- June 8th at 6:30 at Valley Fellowship Church in Buena Vista.
- June 27th at 5 pm. It will be held at the Penrose House in Colorado Springs.
This is a free event but there is limited space, so we would ask for you to follow this link in order to sign up and get more details.
Buena Vista Sign Up: Sarah’s Home | Kindful
Colorado Springs Sign Up: https://sarahshome.kindful.com/e/boys-documentary-and-qa
We look forward to seeing you there!